Top O' The Mornin' 5K Fun Run, presented by Planet Fitness
Saturday, March 15 at The Market on Evans, 213 N. Evans St. Tecumseh
This is a fun run with no timer, all ages welcome and participants can walk, jog or run this event. The event starts and ends at The Market on Evans.
Registration is $30 per person (ages 13 and older) and includes a t-shirt (if you register before March 3), goodie bag and after race snacks. Children 12 years and under run for FREE (shirt not included for child runners). Packet pickup will be at The Market on Evans from 8:30-9:30am the morning of the run.​
Don't forget to head downtown after you finish to visit all of our amazing downtown businesses and restaurants!
Strollers are welcome, pets are not allowed. No refunds.
Special Thank You... Chamber Ambassadors, Acrisure, City of Tecumseh and Sieler's Water Systems.
Shamrock Sponsors
County National Bank
D&P Communications
Len Air LLC
Sanaras Wellness Studio
Tilton & Sons
United Way of Lenawee/Monroe
Victory Builders